Sunday, December 21, 2008


I have been singing Farashaka to Finn since he was born. I don't know how it happened, or why that song, but, IT WORKS!! It's like flipping a switch, he can go from hysterics per say to complete peace in a matter of seconds once the song begins. We were shopping yesterday and he was along for the ride. As you can imagine, he began to grow tired and hungry after about 2.5 hours of superb sportsmanship. We left the store, loaded him in the car, and were headed home. Finn was not happy with the current situation, being strapped down in the backseat of the car, waiting...minutes at a time for the stop light to change from red to green, stop light after stop light. So, I began to sing him the song...farashaka farashaka dor me vue...then that switch flipped his little face went from bright red and scrunched, to relaxed and almost smiling. In the meantime, I must have been having an "off" day becuase I was absolutely butchering the song. I mean I was all over tone deaf as they come...Michael and I could not breathe we were laughing so hard. When I would stop singing to laugh at myself, Finn would get upset, like he wanted "more, more". Then we were belly laughing becuase he actually wanted more of the awful sounds coming from the front seat of the car, and that's what they were at that point... sounds, not melodies, or tones, just sounds.

And you know when you've been laughing that hard and you try to gain composure and your voice is all out of whack and pitchy you can imagine what the song sounded like and he wanted more of it??
Needless to say it was a comforting realization for Michael and I that even the ugliest of noises coming from his mama or daddy's mouth were soothing enough to calm his little body and soul right to sleep : )

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